How to Design Your Teenage Son`s Bedroom


A teenager’s bedroom is his getaway from the rest of the world. It’s his haven from his hectic school and activities schedule. Here are some pointers on how you can equip his room (stylishly) to accommodate all his growing needs.

Make the study area interesting
Academics are an important part of a teenager’s life and this makes the study area a highlight of a young boy’s room. This is where he will be spending most of his time, so make sure it is a comfortable zone that addresses all his requirements and is also a bit styled. After all, the teenage years is the time when children become more aware about their tastes and preferences and of things around them.

Designate a part of the room exclusively for the study area. Firstly, invest in a sturdy desk and a comfortable chair. Create shelves and cabinets, find a good lamp and install a good headboard for pinning things up.

Add personal touches
Encourage his sense of ownership over his room. Display his trophies, certificates or medals, paintings he made as a child, posters of his sports icon etc.

Let the room reflect his personality and his tastes. If he is into science, take out those telescopes or microscopes from the cupboard and display them in a more accessible place. Put up the periodic table on the wall; you can also bring in a decor theme based on the games and sports he likes to play. You could also put up his guitar on the wall instead of keeping it tucked away somewhere.

Bring in smart storage
Boys don’t necessarily need as much storage as their female counterparts. However, if you don’t want the room to look like a mess, make sure there is enough space to store his gadgets, sports equipment, and bags. It can get tougher to ask boys to keep their rooms clean as opposed to telling the girls, but don’t give them a chance to falter. Try some tricks: place a large jute basket in the corner for your son to toss his dirty clothes in. And keep enough shelf space handy for easy stashing.

Invest in a comfortable bed
For your teenager’s bedroom, opt for a simple, comfortable bed that is large enough to accommodate him as he grows taller with every passing day.

If the bedroom is to be shared by two boys, you could opt for a bunk bed instead of a double bed to save up on space, though their growing height and size might limit the usability of the bunk beds. If two boys are sharing a room, demarcate the space for their stuff separately. This will save your involvement in many future fights.

Go beyond the conventional blue
While blue has been stereotyped as a ‘boy’s’ colour, don’t take it to heart. Experiment with other colours – it is important to work with your son’s likes and dislikes. Here a white palette adds spaciousness and the red study table adds an element of play. A neutral space like this is adaptable to the changing whims and preferences of a teenager.

Create a gaming zone
Boys love their games. Why not give them a gaming arcade within the comfort of their bedrooms? If there is an Xbox, as in this space, create a special corner for the TV and the Xbox setup. Make sure, there is enough space in front of the TV for him to manoeuver himself around.

If that is too much technology and distraction, you can also create a ‘non-tech’ zone for his board games or chessboard. Bring in a table and put chairs around it, or you could even bring in two beanbags on a washable carpet with a stool in the middle. Boys just wanna have fun!

Do up the walls
Nothing works better in a teenager’s room than walls with posters of his sports icon or cars. Consider creating a focus wall with full top-to-bottom wallpaper on a theme of his choice.

If you need a quicker fix, there are a fantastic variety of themed-stickers/decals available as well. Most are easy to peel off and replace by whatever is their current hot favourite.


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